🧗 On the Rocks Tracker (2024-11-12): First Incline Climb!

🎯 This must be week #4 climbing with a coach!
💀 Waking up at 6:30 AM to hit the gym? That’s already a personal victory.

🪞 Reflecting on the past few weeks
🌬️ Got to breath!
✊ I usually pumped too fast on the handholds, gripping too hard with my thumb above my fingers. Remember to use the holds fully!

✋ Inclines have always been outside my comfort zone.
🟢 I prefer slabs and verticals — I trust my feet and enjoy analyzing each move.
✨ But today’s exercise pushed me out of my comfort zone. And I loved it!

1️⃣ Warm-Up (30 mins):
⏱️ Hover hands/feet for 3 seconds on easy problems (v0-v1 for me).

2️⃣ Main Exercise (60 mins):
💪 1-hour of 9-10/10 intensity problems (V2-3 for me).
🎥 Film attempts, rest for at least 5 minutes between tries, and apply the climbing framework (Think wall, feet, hips, hands — in that order).

3️⃣ Wrap-Up Core Workouts (30 mins):
🌀 3x5 pancake leg lifts.
🧘‍♂️ 5x10 seconds of hardstyle planks.
🏋️ 3x5 kettlebell squats (heavy!).
🦵 3x5 single-leg RDLs (dipping bird style, heavy).
⏱️ 3x30 seconds of weighted side planks.

🎉 Check out my first incline climbs below!